Blog Post #3

      When utilizing different websites and program on the internet, it is important that copyright and fair use rules are followed. Copyright is the creators ownership over the program or image that they designed and/or published for public viewing and use. Fair use policies are placed in order to provide the public with access to the creators product while still protecting their credits to the creation. Often times, students and teachers alike will forget to abide by copyright rules placed by the publishers of this content and are not aware of the harm they are doing. As a teacher, I would make sure to cover these concepts in class and make students aware of the importance of abiding by the rules in place, giving the creators credit for their work. As for my own content, I will always make sure to credit the creator/publisher for the images and programs that I use in my classrooms and when I am developing my programs that I will use to interact with students and teach new concepts.

      Two major issues that become present when implementing technology in classrooms are academic dishonesty and lack of funding for technological involvement in schools. I hope to avoid these as best as I can in my classroom by utilizing platforms such as google classroom and different monitoring programs that lock students into a certain program on their devices and allows me as a teacher to view their activities throughout class, especially when taking quizzes and tests or doing assignments in class. On the lack of funding, I would aim to do a class fundraiser or advocate that the school take action in raising funds from parents, or even the school district, to be able to provide students with the technology necessary to perform tasks in school. Our society is growing more technologically centered every day, educators are going to need to keep up somehow and they cannot be the ones to pay for it. 

    When working on my teacher newsletter, I rediscovered the ability to place adjust fillings and borders on text boxes while maintaining columns and removing white spaces in my work. In the future, I believe that I could find a better way to design my background and make it less chaotic. I also would like to better manage spacing and image adjustments, allowing for more content and an overall more organized look. These skills I utilized when creating my newsletter can help me to create better newsletters in the future and even create publicity for my job/practice when I eventually start one, I hope. 
